16th May 2024

About Jaskam Ltd

Jaskam and Company Limited is a research oriented manufacturing organization dedicated to the innovation and development of affordable and yet effective personal health care products.

The company has collaborated with the University of Nairobi, KIRDI, KEMRI and other local and international stake holders to develop several proprietary products using locally sourced phyto compounds. FUTSIL anti-fungal/antiseptic lotion; Fresha herbal mouthwash; DLL medicated toothpaste; Verasoft skin protection cream are some of them. Others are in various stages of development.

Jaskam has an elaborate sourcing and evaluation department specifically mandated to identify and evaluate the best deals for our customers for products that are not manufactured locally. We particularly concentrate on remedies to stem the alarming escalation of the so called lifestyle diseases.

At Jaskam, we firmly believe a healthy and economically empowered teaching fraternity will automatically translate to a healthy and economically empowered populace, considering the widespread distribution of teachers and the leadership and role-modelling part they play in society.


To be the leading provider of effective natural remedies in East and Central Africa.


To make available through research effective natural remedies for common health challenges.

Core Values
  • Integrity
  • Professionalism